Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Can I have your soul?

It's three twenty in the morning. I can't sleep. Or to be more precise, I'm fighting sleep. This lack of font editing is making me sad, this particular font is so unappealing. Grr...

I'm obsessive. In a not so normal way. "most obsessions aren't normal." Well, there are your healthy obsessions that must take place in order to experience something crucial to life later on, such as adulthood and there are the unhealthy obsessions that just give you something to do in your spare time. I'm obsessed with people. Well, particular people. People who want something more out of life than to waste it away in front of a screen. (that's not what I'm doing, as you can clearly see as I go out, witness something that disgusts me, small children for example, and then report back to you my adoring fans.) People who long for the past, the set of rules of elegance and manipulation, not this petty tragedy of boyfriend/girlfriend crap. Ugh. It makes me sick. I don't even understand how people can be together for seven months doing the same thing, over and over and over. Till it becomes routine and then you have no idea whether or not you actually like the person.

But it's disorders that I love. Depression, narcissism (my latest obsession), the list goes on. And it's not because they "weird" or "different", it's because they see the world differently, parts of them that cannot necessarily be changed. (God, I hope I don't sound like I'm mocking people who actually have problems, but that is not my intention at all.) I just find them interesting. I want to know more about the person, their mind.

It bothers me that I am a completely healthy person. No problems at all. At least nothing on the disorder scale. And I love making PowerPoints. Just for fun.

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