Sunday, July 6, 2008

I forgive no one really

Is the definition of self? I guess that's where we should start...right? I'm a person, and your a person and people I suppose want to know more about other people. If this is an introduction, allow me to introduce myself.

I go by Zed. It's short, easy to remember, and I mean in a sense it is my real name. Those are my initials. Teehee. I <3 my initials. The only other awesome initials I know are, ARM, and GRR. Which considering the people they belong to, make me laugh. Gender wise, I don't feel like I'm one or the other, not really, not personally, though quite obviously, I am one of the two. Of course in not relating to a gender, I am not attracted to either. Both are fine, each with their...benefits ;) and love is love, or so I believe. So you know my name, my gender, and who I'm interested in. Bring on the fun.

The inside of my mind is more easily explained when compared to a manor and in that manor are many rooms, are many places for putting things and there's a lot of stuff here. Things being equivalent to thoughts. I don't mind it so much as the things I think about are not entirely pleasant and yet I think about them nonetheless, keep in mind I would prefer not to think about two people I know personally kissing, (romance makes me a bit ill, because it gets exaggerated in my mind), or about people I love dying. But they are thoughts that occur without much warning and it makes writing very...easy, but not professional. *sigh*

I love people. Okay well not everyone. But I do enjoy people who like...say, talking? Or feel they are important (or quite the opposite) and have something to prove to the world. But at the same time, I am a drama provider, not necessarily by choice, half the time I'm not aware of it, the other half I don't care about people enough in general and I just want to see how far things can go. This my avid readers is why I'm a bad person.

Is there much to me? I am a walking contradiction, with no moral structure what so ever. Does that make me sad? No. Depressed at times, but I don't sit in my room and wallow in self pity. I go out and I do things, but I most certainly prefer the solitude of my room and my imagination with a Poppy Z. Brite book in hand.

To be honest what are some mildly interesting topics to blog about? Life has only so much to about we take a look on the darker side...?

1 comment:

Triss Teh said...

So, it is not only I who likes to fly with night owls.