Wednesday, July 16, 2008

there's nothing left here anymore"

is there? Quite a bit actually.

My father just got on a plane today. It's a one way ticket, meaning he might not come back. I know that's what it means. I also know that he lied when I asked him if he was going to fight my mother on whether or not she and the twins, (my younger sisters) could move to Boston. I know he enjoys not having kids around, I know what he does, I've sort of always known. I spent a majority of my childhood protecting my sisters from that, because even though their already fucked up, they really don't deserve to know how more fucked up their parents are. I half worry that the plane will crash, I never really liked planes, but I like airports. I half worry that he'll meet someone, mom will be depressed and the twins will never really trust any guy because they might leave and meet someone else. I technically don't matter, because I left a while ago.

Title Tokio Hotel- Monsoon

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